
有了 MoviePy ,你可以用一个函数 make_frame(t) 自定义动画,并返回相应的时间t的视频帧(秒):

123456789101112 from moviepy.editor import VideoClip def make_frame(t):    \”\”\” returns an image of the frame at time t \”\”\”    # … create the frame with any library    return frame_for_time_t # (Height x Width x 3) Numpy array animation = VideoClip(make_frame, duration=3) # 3-second clip # For the export, many options/formats/optimizations are supportedanimation.write_videofile(\”my_animation.mp4\”, fps=24) # export as videoanimation.write_gif(\”my_animation.gif\”, fps=24) # export as GIF (slow)

在之前的文章中,我用这种方法来做制作矢量图形动画(用Gizeh库),和光线追踪三维场景(由POV-Ray做出)。这篇文章包括 MayaVi、vispy、matplotlib、NumPy 和 Scikit-image 这些科学库。



12345678910111213141516171819202122 import numpy as npimport mayavi.mlab as mlabimport  moviepy.editor as mpy duration= 2 # duration of the animation in seconds (it will loop) # MAKE A FIGURE WITH MAYAVI fig_myv = mlab.figure(size=(220,220), bgcolor=(1,1,1))X, Y = np.linspace(2,2,200), np.linspace(2,2,200)XX, YY = np.meshgrid(X,Y)ZZ = lambda d: np.sinc(XX**2+YY**2)+np.sin(XX+d) # ANIMATE THE FIGURE WITH MOVIEPY, WRITE AN ANIMATED GIF def make_frame(t):    mlab.clf() # clear the figure (to reset the colors)    mlab.mesh(YY,XX,ZZ(2*np.pi*t/duration), figure=fig_myv)    return mlab.screenshot(antialiased=True) animation = mpy.VideoClip(make_frame, duration=duration)animation.write_gif(\”sinc.gif\”, fps=20)


12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728 import numpy as npimport mayavi.mlab as mlabimport  moviepy.editor as mpy duration = 2 # duration of the animation in seconds (it will loop) # MAKE A FIGURE WITH MAYAVI fig = mlab.figure(size=(500, 500), bgcolor=(1,1,1)) u = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100)xx,yy,zz = np.cos(u), np.sin(3*u), np.sin(u) # Pointsl = mlab.plot3d(n>) # Pointsl = mlab.plot3d(thon有些出色的数据可视化库,但很少能渲染GIF或视频动画。本文介绍如何运用MoviePy作为其他库的通用动画插件。

有了 MoviePy ,你可以用一个函数 make_frame(t) 自定义动画,并返回相应的时间t的视频帧(秒):

123456789101112 from moviepy.editor import VideoClip def make_frame(t):    \”\”\” returns an image of the frame at time t \”\”\”    # … create the frame with any library    return frame_for_time_t # (Height x Width x 3) Numpy array animation = VideoClip(make_frame, duration=3) # 3-second clip # For the export, many options/formats/optimizations are supportedanimation.write_videofile(\”my_animation.mp4\”, fps=24) # export as videoanimation.write_gif(\”my_animation.gif\”, fps=24) # export as GIF (slow)

在之前的文章中,我用这种方法来做制作矢量图形动画(用Gizeh库),和光线追踪三维场景(由POV-Ray做出)。这篇文章包括 MayaVi、vispy、matplotlib、NumPy 和 Scikit-image 这些科学库。



12345678910111213141516171819202122 import numpy as npimport mayavi.mlab as mlabimport  moviepy.editor as mpy duration= 2 # duration of the animation in seconds (it will loop) # MAKE A FIGURE WITH MAYAVI fig_myv = mlab.figure(size=(220,220), bgcolor=(1,1,1))X, Y = np.linspace(2,2,200), np.linspace(2,2,200)XX, YY = np.meshgrid(X,Y)ZZ = lambda d: np.sinc(XX**2+YY**2)+np.sin(XX+d) # ANIMATE THE FIGURE WITH MOVIEPY, WRITE AN ANIMATED GIF def make_frame(t):    mlab.clf() # clear the figure (to reset the colors)    mlab.mesh(YY,XX,ZZ(2*np.pi*t/duration), figure=fig_myv)    return mlab.screenshot(antialiased=True) animation = mpy.VideoClip(make_frame, duration=duration)animation.write_gif(\”sinc.gif\”, fps=20)


12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728 import numpy as npimport mayavi.mlab as mlabimport  moviepy.editor as mpy duration = 2 # duration of the animation in seconds (it will loop) # MAKE A FIGURE WITH MAYAVI fig = mlab.figure(size=(500, 500), bgcolor=(1,1,1)) u = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100)xx,yy,zz = np.cos(u), np.sin(3*u), np.sin(u) # Pointsl = mlab.plot3d(s